The expert conclusion, a legal evidence of great value, should be examined and verified before being applied in investigation and judgment. 鉴定结论必须经过审查判断、查证属实以后,才能在侦查、审判中加以运用。
The expert conclusion shall be signed by the expert witness. 鉴定结论应当由鉴定人签名。
A Research into the Expert Conclusion 鉴定结论之研究
Thus, the expert conclusion, as an important evidence of lawsuit, must be examined strictly. 所以,鉴定结论作为重要的诉讼证据,必须经过严格审查,经查证属实,才能作为定案的证据。
Expert conclusion is more and more paid attention to as a kind of evidence method by the public. 鉴定结论作为一种民事证据方法越来越受到人们的重视。
At last, the paper gives the expert conclusion and reinforcement means for the structure. 给出了该结构受损构件的受损鉴定、承载力可靠性结论,并进行了加固计算和设计。
On Expert Conclusion in Maritime Trial 论海事审判中的鉴定结论
Secondly, the conclusion can be defined as a kind of expert conclusion as scientific evidence. 其次,笔者认为测谎结论应当归入证据种类中的鉴定结论,是科技证据的一种。
The article correspondingly suggests that the ascertainment of the witness testimony and expert conclusion evidence, along with a judge's discretion in the course of the evidence ascertainment, should be improved. 文章对证人证言和鉴定结论证据的认定以及法官在证据认定中的自由裁量权均提出了相应的完善建议。
As one of the seven forms of legal evidence, expert conclusion plays an irreplaceable role in legal proceedings. 鉴定结论作为我国的七种法定证据形式之一,常常在诉讼中发挥着其他证据不可替代的作用。
First, perfect the confrontational procedure of DNA expert conclusion. 首先,完善DNA鉴定结论的质证程序。
Therefore, it is necessary to deeply study problems of the application of expert conclusion in criminal lawsuit. 因此,有必要对刑事诉讼中鉴定结论的适用问题开展深入地研究。
The development of modern science and technology leads to application and expansion of judicial expertise in criminal proceedings, in which expert conclusion is playing an increasingly important role. 现代科技的发展带动了司法鉴定在刑事诉讼中的运用和扩大,鉴定结论在刑事诉讼中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
It includes "expert conclusion" of continental law system and "expert witness" of Anglo-American law system. 包括大陆法系的鉴定意见制度和英美法系的专家证言制度。
The standard of our DNA identification procedures is not regulation and uniform, this seriously impacts on the DNA expert conclusion reality and reliability. 我国DNA鉴定程序的标准不规范统一严重影响了DNA鉴定结论的准确性和可靠性。
The chapter first positioned the attribution of the polygraph conclusion in evidence law. We think that polygraph conclusion is attribute to indirect evidence and derived evidence, it should belong to the expert conclusion in our legal evidence. 本章首先对测谎结论的证据归属进行了定位,认为测谎证据属于间接证据、派生证据等,在我国法定证据中应属于鉴定结论。
In this chapter, the author firstly introduces the contents of probative force of expert conclusion. 本章首先阐述了鉴定结论证明力的内涵。
Resolution of this issue is to establish an effective appraisal conclusion evidence ability system to regulate the expert conclusion of the application in the proceedings. 消解这一问题的有效路径就是建立健全我国鉴定结论证据能力规则,来规范我国鉴定结论在诉讼程序中的运用。
In our criminal procedure, forensic psychiatric expert conclusion is an important evidence related to the conviction and sentencing of the identifier. 在我国刑事诉讼中,司法精神病鉴定结论是关系到被鉴定人定罪量刑问题的一种重要证据。
How to prevent false conclusions and erroneous identification of "junk science" from court to protect the expert conclusion of judicial activities in China to play its due role is legislation and practices of litigation should confront. 如何防止虚假错误的鉴定结论和垃圾科学走入法庭,保障鉴定结论在我国司法活动中发挥应有的作用,是我国诉讼立法和实践都应当直面的问题。
The fact assertion includes medical documents analysis and expert conclusion of medical malpractice. 事实认定包括实务中较为突出的医疗文书和医疗事故技术鉴定结论。
Make sure that examine and judge DNA expert conclusion ability by three elements of objectivity, connections and legitimacy. 明确对DNA鉴定结论证据能力的审查判断应围绕客观性、关联性和合法性三要素展开进行。
The first part is a brief introduction. It discusses the general issues of the expert conclusion system, such as its basic concepts, characteristics, functions clarifications and scientific conditions. 第一部分为序论,主要论述了鉴定证据制度的一般性问题,对鉴定证据的基本概念、特性、功能、分类与科学条件进行了分析。
In the process of dealing with medical disputes is the core of medical identification, because the medical expert conclusion in this process plays a role in judging the merits. 在处理医疗纠纷过程中最核心的是医疗事故鉴定,因为医疗事故鉴定结论在此过程中起着判断是非曲直的作用。
Third, the review on DNA expert conclusion has defect, it can also affect the accurate understanding of expert conclusion. 第三,DNA鉴定结论的审查判断程序上存在缺陷,也会影响到对DNA鉴定结论的准确认识。
Cross-examination, identifier testified and expert auxiliary system would be more efficient and accurate for reading expert conclusion. 质证、鉴定人出庭作证、专家辅助人制度的实施将更有效、准确地解读鉴定结论。
Because each has advantages and disadvantages, common law adversarial system of technical evidence in investigations and civil law expert conclusion authority principle of mutual absorption occurs investigation system and integration trends. 因各有优劣势,英美法系对抗制的技术性证据调查制度与大陆法系职权主义的鉴定结论调查制度出现了互相吸收和融合的趋势。
The last part is a comprehensive judgments parts, including the nature of the differences between the judge and to judge the nature of conformity, in the characteristic points of difference and in line with the nature and number of points obtained after judge the expert conclusion. 最后一部分是综合判断部分,包括对差异点性质的判断和对符合点性质的判断,在对特征差异点和符合点的性质和数量进行判断后得出鉴定结论。
The criminal identifier is the person employed as a criminal expert by the parties or the judiciary for his specialized knowledge or skills who distinguishes, judges and brings forward the expert conclusion or the appraisal idea on some speciality in criminal case in legal proceedings. 刑事鉴定人是指在刑事诉讼过程中,由司法机关或者当事人聘请,运用专门知识或技能,对刑事案件中的某些专门性问题进行鉴别、判断,并提出鉴定结论或鉴定意见的自然人。
Second, DNA laboratory test link will affect the reality and reliability of DNA expert conclusion. 第二,DNA的实验室鉴定程序是影响DNA鉴定结论真实可靠性的关键环节。